3 Helpful Tips When Tinting Your Vehicle's Windows

Posted on: 30 April 2018

A highly underrated accessory for cars today is tint. It can be beneficial for a number of reasons, such as giving you extra privacy and protecting the interior from the sun. If you're considering this customization for your vehicle, be sure to remember these tips. 

1. Check the Legal Requirements 

There are some window tints that are illegal to have. For example, tint that's too dark can make it difficult for police to observe passengers inside. Tint that's too thick may cause glass to shatter in large pieces, thereby making auto collisions more dangerous.

So that you know what type of window tinting to install legally, you need to check with your state's regulations. Then, you won't have to worry about failing an inspection. It's also important to look into state regulations regarding every window, as they each have different requirements. 

2. Select a Tint Type 

There are so many different window tints you have access to today. Some of the most common include metalized film, dyed window tint, ceramic film, and carbon window tint. If you're specifically trying to keep heat out of the interior, metalized film is a great choice. The metallic content in this tint creates a UV-resistant barrier and strengthens each window.

One of the most affordable tints is dyed window tint. It will not interfere with your visibility while driving in the slightest. Carbon window tint offers a more sophisticated look, while ceramic window tint is exceptional at blocking solar heat. 

3. Maintain the Tint 

Once tint is applied to your windows, the job isn't over. You still need to maintain it properly so that it lasts a long time and works effectively. One of the best care steps you can take is cleaning on a regular basis. You don't just want to clean it with any chemicals, though. 

Ideally, you need to clean it naturally using strictly soapy water. After applying a coat on the window tint, use a microfiber towel to wipe it away. This towel is uniquely designed to not scratch the tint's surface, no matter how much pressure you apply. If you do choose to use cleaning products, make sure they don't contain any traces of ammonia. It will eat away at the film. 

There are many great reasons to tint your windows, be it for security or personal comfort. Whatever your reasons are, you need to follow a strict protocol when selecting and maintaining this type of tint. Only then will it work great long-term. 
